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Trademark Policy

At Pirate MX Powersports, we respect the intellectual property rights of others and strive to comply with all applicable trademark laws. The use of any brand names, logos, trademarks, or service marks on our website is intended solely to represent the new and used recycled products that we sell.

Use of Trademarks

  • Representation of Products: All brand names, logos, and trademarks displayed on our website are used solely to identify the products we sell, including both new and used recycled products. Our use of these trademarks is not intended to imply any endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship by the trademark owner, unless explicitly stated.

  • Trademark Identification: We make efforts to properly identify and mark the trademarks used on our website. If a name, phrase, or logo is used on our site and it is a registered trademark, it is identified with the appropriate ® or ™ symbol, as applicable.

  • No Ownership Claimed: Pirate MX Powersports claims no ownership of any third-party trademarks used on our website. All trademarks, logos, and brand names are the property of their respective owners.

Compliance and Contact

  • Trademark Concerns: If you are the owner of a trademark that you believe is being used on our website in a way that does not comply with trademark laws, please contact us immediately. We are committed to addressing any concerns and will work to resolve any issues promptly.

  • Contact Information: To report a concern or request compliance with trademark identification, please contact us at 1-304-699-7572 or email us at

We take intellectual property rights seriously and are dedicated to ensuring that all trademarks are used appropriately and legally. Your cooperation in maintaining the accuracy and legality of trademark usage on our site is greatly appreciated.